Interior 3D Rendering 3ds Max + Corona : The Quickest Way

Станьте 3D-экспертом в моделировании, освещении и рендеринге с 3ds Max и Corona render engine менее чем за 2,5 часа.

Чему вы научитесь

  • Создать фото реалистические изображения с нуля
  • Узнайте, как профессионалы делают это, чтобы вы могли создавать свои собственные фотореалистичные 3D-рендеры с 3ds Max и Corona
  • Имейте навыки, необходимые для работы в индустрии 3D-рендеринга
  • Улучшить качество 3D-рендеринга 
  • Знайте секреты, которые профессионалы используют, чтобы выделиться из толпы.
  • Есть знания, чтобы создать фото реалистичные изображения каждый раз.
  • Как моделировать из изображений
  • Как копировать и вставлять между сценами 3ds Max
  • Как быстро найти 3D активы
  • Как добавить мебель и аксессуары
  • Создание Camara в 3ds Max
  • 3D освещения комплект ИБП
  • Как создать быстрый предварительный просмотр с помощью Corona и 3ds max
  • Как создавать материалы с Corona и 3ds Max
  • Научитесь создавать окончательный рендер с помощью Corona
  • Какие сценарии использовать для ускорения рабочего процесса


  • We will be using 3ds Max (2016 and up) and Corona.
  • A basic understanding of the 3ds Max user interface. If not take my Introduction To 3ds Max: The Quickest Way
  • Experience in 3D Rendering is a bonus but not essential.


Разработанный для всех уровней пользователей 3ds Max и Corona, вы узнаете, как освоить 3D-рендеринг и полезные методы, используемые в 3ds Max для создания удивительных изображений. Вот более подробно о том, что вы узнаете в этом курсе 3ds Max и Corona...

3D Rendering with 3ds Max and Corona.

Do you want to make better 3d renderings, but don't have a spare 14 hours? 
You're here because you want to create photo realistic renders with 3ds Max and Corona, right? 
Are you having trouble achieving photo realistic results?
In this project based course I am going to walk you step by step through how to create photo realistic images every time, no more hoping for a good result. You can follow along with your own project or use the example scene. 
By the end of this 120 minute tutorial series you will have
  • Mastered the 3D Rendering Workflow
  • Have the knowledge to create photo realistic images every time.
  • Know the secrets the professionals use to stand out from the crowd.
The Interior 3D Rendering with 3ds Max + Corona course is the highest quality course I've ever put out! And I'm proud to invite you to join us in the course today. It's the course about 3d rendering I needed 10 years ago! 

This course is perfect for anyone that wants to learn the quickest way to make high end images that sell, win awards and get published in international magazines. These are the exact steps I have used when working with world famous companies and featured in countless international publications.
Whether you're an Interior Designer, Architect, 3D Generalist, 3D Visualisation Artist, 3D Artist, 3Ds Max User or just want to be able to make world class 3D renders - this course will help you make better 3D images.
  • 3ds Max scene files so you can just open and start
  • Follow along to the step by step guide
  • What scripts to use speed up workflow
What makes me qualified to teach you?

These are just a few projects I have worked on, not to mention the hotels, cars, apartments and homes. I have spent the last 10 years figuring out how to make world class renders. I did this through a Bachelors and a Masters of Arts from Universities in the UK, working for some of the best design teams in places like Monaco, USA and UK. You can get all my knowledge . Seriously, I will teach you the most important things that will get you making remarkable 3D images.
My Promise to You I'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.  I want to make this the best course on how to create photorealistic images with 3ds Max and Corona. So if there is any way I can improve this course, just tell me and I'll make it happen.
What's this course all about? Get ready to create images that will improve your confidence, clients and pricing. If you've always wanted to learn how the professionals create remarkable images and land the best contracts, you can learn 3ds Max and Corona right now.
Practice lessons will get you motivated and moving to your goals. The lessons are meant to teach you how to think like a 3D Visualisation Artist. 3ds Max is a robust tool that is capable of creating almost any 3d graphics out there. Don't be intimidated, you will learn everything you need to know to create photo realistic renders and then apply slick post production in Photoshop. All of this in under 120 minutes!
Key things you will learn:
  • How to model from images
  • How to copy and paste between 3ds Max scenes
  • How to quickly find 3D Assets
  • How to add furniture and accessories
  • Camara Creation
  • Lights set ups
  • How to create fast preview renders
  • How to create materials with Corona
  • Creating a Final render with Corona
Knowing 3ds Max is a great skill to have that is in demand and highly marketable. These are the exact steps I use to deliver remarkable work to dream clients. I've landed many jobs with the skills that I teach you in this course.
With a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out.
Go ahead and click the enrol button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!

Для кого этот курс:
  • Interior Designers, Architects, 3D Generalists
  • 3D Visualization Artists, 3D Artists, 3Ds Max Users
  • 3D Visualisation Artists
  • New and experienced 3ds Max users who want to create photo realistic 3D renderings.
  • Anyone who would like to make money creating photo realistic 3d renderings.

Внимание! Скачивать материалы могут только пользователи со статусом PRO.
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